Post Cycle Therapy: What is it, How does it work and What are the Benefits?

Post Cycle Therapy: What is it, How does it work and What are the Benefits?

Post Cycle Therapy

Post Cycle Therapy

In the event that you are contemplating using performance-enhancing medicines, you are likely to have inquiries concerning Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). In this detailed guide, we provide you with all the information you want.

While it is possible to train hard and get the physique you want, the jaw-dropping physiques of professional bodybuilders are not just the product of ingesting zillions of calories and pumping iron for hours on end. A helping hand that goes beyond the natural capabilities of any man is required, and that is where performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) such as anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) come into play.

Despite the fact that we do not support the use of steroids for non-medical purposes, if you are contemplating taking this road to get the body you want, we will provide you with the knowledge you need to remain safe and minimize the hazards associated.

Anabolic steroids are a synthetic type of testosterone that may have unwanted side effects such as hormonal imbalances and increased body fat. If you are using steroids, we recommend that you follow a post cycle treatment (PCT) plan under the supervision of a medical expert. Our detailed guide to PCT should address all of your concerns and assist you in deciding whether or not it is worthwhile and why it is required.

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How does it work?

When you use exogenous testosterone (the synthetic anabolic hormones, often known as steroids), your body’s natural hormone production (endogenous testosterone) is repressed since your body is receiving an abundance of testosterone from the exogenous testosterone. Because of the many adverse effects of steroids, which we will discuss more below, it is not recommended to use them on a regular basis. As a result, after you stop using steroids, your body’s natural capacity to create testosterone is severely impaired.

In order to avoid developing a tolerance to steroids, most individuals take them in “cycles.” This not only gives the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPTA) — the system that governs hormone production — enough time to raise testosterone levels after they have used them. However, like with any steroid usage, the influx of synthetic hormones puts your body’s hormonal balance out of whack. When anabolic steroid usage is discontinued, the body takes a long time to return to normal testosterone levels in the blood. Along with poor health, the post-steroid user may have muscle mass loss as well as increased estrogen levels in the bloodstream. As a result of the medication’s side effects, you may notice an increase in your voice volume and libido, as well as depression, exhaustion, and water retention. Post cycle treatment (PCT), which is a pharmaceutical-based strategy that may assist speed up the transition to normal testosterone levels while also minimizing the adverse effects, can be used to help alleviate the unpleasant side effects.

A combination of lawful medications is used to restore the hormonal balance of the user while under the supervision of a certified physician. Reduced estrogen levels result in the production of endogenous testosterone at a level consistent with nature. If you are a steroid user, this approach, with its controlled mending of the hormone system, is a no-brainer in terms of effectiveness. After steroid usage, if you do not intend on using post cycle treatment, you will discover that it is much more difficult for your natural testosterone to bounce back, and you will risk losing the muscular gains that you have worked so hard to obtain.

Read also about using Clomid as a PCT

When should I begin Post Cycle Therapy treatment?

If you are using any medications that restrict your natural testosterone production, we suggest that you begin a PCT treatment immediately after finishing your cycle. When it comes to SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) and prohormones, you may begin taking them as soon as you stop using them. If you are on steroids, you should wait a week before starting PCT. In an ideal situation, you would seek the advice of a skilled doctor who would establish a treatment plan and keep track of your progress. Dr. Tan is delighted to assist you with your post cycle treatment, regardless of whether you are utilizing prohormones, SARMs, growth hormones, or anabolic steroids at the time. Whatever your AAS usage, whether natural or aided, whether you are a new or long-time user, we are here to provide you with the most impartial counsel and the finest medical care possible, without passing judgment.

What is the duration of PCT?

The PCT drug regimen, which begins when the body is fully free of anabolic steroids and lasts for around one month to six weeks, is generally completed in one to two weeks. This, however, is depending on individual conditions, such as the kind of medications used and the dose consumed — as well as how long the drugs were taken. You should keep in mind that if you take steroids on a regular basis, you will need prescriptions to assist balance your hormone levels and will need to seek the advice of a medical professional.

If required, this therapy time might be prolonged for many weeks if it is deemed essential by the physician. Slow-release steroids, by their very nature, will take longer to exit the body, and it may take several weeks after the final injection before the body is completely free of synthetic testosterone.

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What medications are used for PCT?

What medications are used for PCT?

The medications required to complete the post cycle treatment routine might differ from person to person based on their specific circumstances. Some over-the-counter medicines, such as testosterone boosters and estrogen blockers, are available for some instances, but they are often not potent enough for steroid users. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide suggestions at this time; nevertheless, the following drugs are often used in post cycle treatment and need a prescription:

  • Clomiphene(brand name: Clomid)
  • Tamoxifen(brand name: Nolvadex)

Both Clomid and Nolvadex are selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), which are not to be confused with selective androgen receptor antagonists (SARMs), and they work by regulating post-cycle estrogen production and inhibiting its negative effects on the body. Following the cessation of anabolic steroids, estrogen levels might surge, resulting in hormonal havoc, hence necessitating the usage of regulating medications.

Clomid affects the estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, which are responsible for the production of estrogen. luteinizing hormones (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) are released as a result of this, and both of these hormones are essential for fertility. For healthy sperm production, a balanced hormone balance is necessary.

Nolvadex induces very high levels of LH production while simultaneously preventing estrogen spikes, which may be harmful. If estrogen levels suddenly increase and are not handled, it is possible that stroke, prostate disease, and cardiac problems may emerge. With Nolvadex, you may lower your estrogen levels and restore your endogenous testosterone to a stable, healthy level, which can help you lose weight or get back in shape.

The PCT may also include the use of supplements such as phosphatidylserine and acetyl l-carnitine to help reduce cortisol levels, which may be beneficial. Catabolism is a condition caused by elevated amounts of this stress hormone after a cycle. Consider the phrase anabolic as meaning “building up,” as in the formation of new tissues, complex molecules, and muscular mass. Its polar opposite, catabolic, is responsible for the breakdown of components essential to human well-being, such as those same body tissues and complex bodily molecules.

The two of them are responsible for metabolism. Improper post-cycle catabolism might result in significant fat and muscle mass loss – and all of your hard work will be for nothing! Catabolism, on the other hand, may cause overall ill-health if it is not handled properly.

It should now be clearly evident that post cycle treatment is not only a fantastic notion for restoring endogenous testosterone to its normal peak levels, but it is also a crucial element of the healing process after a successful cycle. It is risky and not advisable to discontinue anabolic steroid usage without first completing a recognized post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Are there benefits to training while on PCT?

Overtraining should be avoided during this period since the body needs time to re-calibrate and return itself to the state it was in prior to the introduction of artificial hormones. While it is fair that you would want to maintain the muscle mass gained during your steroid cycle, your PCT should involve a modest modification to your exercise regimen.

While you should not entirely stop working out, you should consider reducing the number of reps you do, as well as avoiding adding more weight to your typical exercises or engaging in intense training. Having said that, the intensity should still be strong enough to keep the muscles intact. In order for your training to settle down and find its level during PCT, you must first let your body recover. It is all about striking the correct balance between not too little and not too much of anything.

In addition to PCT, what other considerations should I keep in mind?

Consider yourself kind to yourself and recognize that many of the bad side effects you are experiencing are quite natural and expected. The body needs time to recover and return to normal function. Nutrition is, as it has always been, a critical component of healing. Consume reasonable, nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods and drink enough water to keep the body hydrated. Any supplements may have an impact on the body’s hormonal balance, thus it is important to contact the doctor monitoring the PCT before taking any supplements.

Helpful hints for making It through Post Cycle Therapy

Many users are dreading the prospect of getting off-cycle and undergoing post cycle treatment, however, it is not as severe as it may seem at first glance.

Here are some pointers to keep in mind throughout your post-cycle treatment sessions (PCT). Take a look at the following and attempt to follow them as closely as you can:

Maintain your workout frequency, and be sure to retain the intensity at a high level at the same time.

Make an effort to keep the amount of weight you are lifting constantly. The fact that your strength has decreased little is normal, but make every effort to maintain high levels of performance.

Prioritize your rest; this is crucial for the repair of both your muscles and hormones. To put it another way, you should strive for at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day.

Other natural items may be included in your regimen to aid with muscle building. BCAA supplements are one kind of supplement that is worth looking into.

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Make sure to maintain a healthy diet and nutritional intake. This is yet another important thing to consider when it comes to sustaining your gains and expediting your hormonal recovery time frame.

After your cycle, you could notice that you are feeling a little weaker and more exhausted, but this is entirely normal. Keep in mind that your hormones are in a state of flux, which will manifest themselves in your mood and ability to perform well.

PCT for women

Women are often told that they do not need post-cycle treatment, which may be due to the fact that they produce less endogenous testosterone than males do.

Similar to males, endogenous testosterone production in women will be shut down as a result of the body recognizing an overabundance of this male hormone in the bloodstream.

Testosterone continues to be a critical hormone in females, having a significant impact on their libido, overall well-being, vitality, and muscular mass.

Because of decreased aromatization as a result of lower testosterone levels, estrogen levels will fall dramatically as well (conversion of testosterone into estrogen).

Dave Crossland has anecdotal evidence of female steroid users experiencing: extremely low estrogen levels, poor mood, reduced libido, and sadness post-cycle, according to his research findings.

Nolvadex has been utilized as a post-conceptional therapy (PCT) among women at doses ranging from 5-15mg for up to 4 weeks. The majority of women have reported that it has a beneficial influence on their mood and helps to speed the control of their hormone levels.

Some of these women, on the other hand, are still enduring delays of 3-6 months before their menstrual periods resume.

Women should avoid taking HCG as a PCT drug since it has the potential to cause virilization and enlargement of the ovaries in certain cases.

Clomid may also be ineffective in women who have ovarian hypersensitivity.

For women who are weak in androgens, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is used as a medical therapy. DHEA is one of the most important hormones in females, as it is a crucial precursor of androgen and estrogen production, among other things.

One research indicated that taking 50mg/day of DHEA for a year dramatically enhanced libido in women over the age of 70, according to the findings.

Another research discovered that a 6-week cycle of DHEA increased women’s sexual function, including arousal, orgasm quality, and desire, among other things. Additionally, they discovered that depressive symptoms fell by 50%, resulting in a considerable improvement in mood.

These ladies were given 90mg of DHEA per day for the first three weeks, followed by 450mg of DHEA per day for the last three weeks.

Similarly, further study (Morales et al. 1994) has shown that 50mg/day of DHEA, when taken for three months, significantly increases women’s well-being. There were also reports of increased relaxation, better sleep, reduced tension, and increased energy levels.

As a result, the following is an effective post cycle treatment for women:

For 12 weeks, take 50mg of DHEA every day.


Is it necessary to have a PCT?

It is not necessary to use a post-cycle treatment since natural testosterone levels will gradually return to normal.

However, a more appropriate inquiry may be: ‘Is a PCT the best option?’ The answer is yes, since users will not only keep more of their gains after a cycle, but they will also enhance their mental and sexual health as a result of using it.

When using mild AAS, like Anavar, a PCT may be seen as less necessary, with studies indicating a modest decrease of just 45 percent when taking 20-40mg/day for 12 weeks, according to the manufacturer.

What is the best way to determine if I need a PCT?

What is the best way to determine if I need a PCT?

The most accurate technique to determine whether or not you need a PCT is to get your testosterone levels tested.

However, if you have legitimate reasons for delaying going to the doctor, you can usually tell by looking for the following signs:

  • Depression
  • Having a low libido
  • Atrophy of the testicles (shrinkage)

Where can bodybuilders purchase PCT medication?

Bodybuilders will either schedule an appointment with a doctor and hope that they will be given the PCT pills they need, or they will acquire them on the black market from a pharmacy (in the same way they buy anabolic steroids).

The second option is asking about and locating a location where you may pay in cash or by making a payment online, as described above (which is riskier if entering your card details).

What is the average cost of PCT medications?

Our source for anabolic steroids has informed us of the current market pricing for PCT medications in the United Kingdom. For the benefit of our American readers, we have done an approximate conversion into dollars.

Clomid 50 (50mg) pills are available for £35 (US$49).

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) 50 (20mg) pills – £35 / $49 each box of 50 tablets

The cost of HCG 11,000iu is £54 / $75.

Do SARMs necessitate the use of a PCT?

A PCT is required since selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are suppressive in their effects. The degree of the testosterone drop, on the other hand, will decide the PCT procedure and how vigorous the treatment should be.

Some SARMs, similar to steroids, elicit higher decreases in endogenous testosterone than others, and this is true for both men and women.

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Nonetheless, as a general rule, if users adhere to a single SARM, stay to a low to moderate dose, and cycle it for no more than 8 weeks, only a minor reduction in testosterone is expected to occur.

When used as directed, 3 weeks of Nolvadex will be sufficient to restore normal endogenous testosterone levels. The recommended doses are 30mg/day for week 1, 20mg/day for week 2, and 10mg/day for week 3, respectively.

If somewhat greater dosages are used or/and longer cycles are used, Nolvadex may be used for four weeks, with the first week’s dose being 40mg and the following weeks’ doses dropping by 10mg each week for the remaining three weeks.

For a high-dosed SARM cycle, a Nolvadex post-cycle therapy (PCT) of four weeks may be required, consisting of 40mg/day during weeks 1 and 2, then 20mg/day during weeks 3 and 


The use of SARMs may be dangerous for certain people. They may combine many drugs at the same time, such as stacking Ostarine with RAD-40 and LG at the same time, or they may use long cycles spanning 12-16 weeks. An even more extreme PCT procedure is required in this situation, which is Dr. Michael Scally’s combination of the following:

hCG – 2000IU every other day for 20 days, delivered intravenously.

Two 20mg doses of tamoxifen (Nolvadex) every day for 45 days.

Two 50mg doses of clomiphene (Clomid) every 30 days for 30 days.

Note: Certain chemicals, such as cardarine and MK-677, are mistakenly regarded as SARMs by certain persons. Cardarine is a fat burner, and MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue, hence they are not SARMs and do not need a post cycle therapy (PCT). Both of these products do not have a suppressive effect.

Is a PCT effective in preserving muscle mass?

An effective PCT may help you keep anywhere between 50 and 75% of your lean muscle gains during a cycle, according to research.

Mild anabolic steroids, like Anavar or Primobolan, may allow users to preserve significant quantities of muscle tissue as a result of less dramatic peaks in exogenous testosterone levels throughout the cutting phase of the cycle (and thus less endogenous shut down).

It is common to lose some weight after going off steroids, especially when using moist, bulking drugs; users will lose some intracellular and extracellular fluid as a result of this loss of intracellular fluid (that previously accumulated due to high estrogen levels). This should not be confused with the process of diminishing muscular mass.

Diet and Supplementation for PCT

The diet of a person may also aid in the growth of testosterone and anabolism after a cycle.

Dr. George Touliatos suggests a diet high in meat and egg yolks since cholesterol is a steroid hormone that helps the body produce testosterone, according to the doctor. Additionally, research has shown a relationship between greater HDL levels and higher testosterone levels in men.

Doctor Touliatos also believes that ZMA, D-aspartic acid, Tribulus Terrestris, Maca, and vitamin D3 supplements may all assist to increase natural testosterone levels, according to his research.

PCT advantages and disadvantages 


Increases the amount of testosterone produced.

Increases well-being and energy while assisting in the preservation of lean muscle.

Increases the size of the testicles, as well as the quality of erections, and hence improves fertility.



more money out of pocket (on top of steroids)

Some drugs have adverse effects that must be considered (in sensitive users)

How does it affect your health if you do not take PCT?

What is the best-case scenario? You will lose the benefits that you have fought so hard to get. The worst-case scenario? Your hormone levels will be completely messed up for many weeks after you end a cycle. This may cause gynecomastia, acne, dick difficulty, and high blood pressure in certain people.

As a result, post-cycle therapy (PCT) is highly necessary following a steroid cycle. And it is at this point that the use of anabolic steroids might become prohibitively costly. Spending thousands of dollars to outfit yourself with a stack of anabolic steroids and the medications necessary for your PCT is a possibility. There are better ways to spend your hard-earned money than on these items.

The fact that you need more medications to compensate for the effects of the first batch of drugs should serve as a serious caution. As a result of pumping your body full of garbage that is not supposed to be there, you are having to flood it with even more medicines in order to get it to function correctly again.


You can find a post cycle treatment regimen that works for you, regardless of whether you use SARMs, prohormones, or steroids.

Make a decision on whether to use prescription or over-the-counter PCT, choose supplements that are effective for you, and create a regimen that includes dose and timing information.

The advantages of post cycle treatment exceed the risks of side effects, and there are more serious issues that may develop if you do not use post cycle medication after your cycle has ended.

Consider taking a look at our list of the best PCT supplements available over-the-counter and selecting one that seems ideal for your condition.

With post-cycle treatment, you can keep your gains and increase muscle retention even more!


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